Al-Tiba9 Barcelona 2017, announced as BEST CONTEMPORARY ART EVENT OF THE YEAR 2017
Al-Tiba9 Barcelona 2017, 5th edition announced as BEST CONTEMPORARY ART EVENT OF THE YEAR covered by Liceo Magazine
#Repost Liceo Magazine
Por su importancia y relevancia en este momento histórico, por su curaduría, locación, calidad de los artistas invitados y las obras expuestas, por su novedad y aporte al mundo de la cultura. Para Liceo Magazine, el "Evento del Año" ha sido la Exhibición Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo Árabe Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art. Vuelve a revivirla en el Link de nuestra bio.
ENG Translation : For its importance and relevance in this historical moment, for its curatorial, location, quality of the invited artists and the exhibited artworks, for its novelty and contribution to the cultural world. For Liceo Magazine, the "Event of the Year" has been the International Exhibition of Contemporary Arabic Art Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art. Read about it again in the Link of our bio.