LUCA ROSSINI Official Photographer of Al-Tiba9 Fashion Weekend
Official Photographer
Luca Rossini, Official Photographer at Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Fashion Weekend Barcelona 2018.
Rossini is a Visual artist, Fashion photographer and blogger and ha been exhibited at Al-Tiba9 Algiers 3rd edition and 5th edition in Barcelona.
Luca Rossini's philosophy is that photography is not a way to document reality, but more the way in which he can suspend reality, with all its physical and societal rules, and turn everything into his own dream version.
Luca's favorite subjects are portraits which tell dream-like stories; places which seem like daydream scenarios; and surrealistic concepts created in his studio.
His view of the world has been seriously affected by “dreamers” like David Lynch, David Cronenberg, and Federico Fellini, with their ability to transmit the distinct and uncomfortable feeling of not being really awake.
Luca comes from the analog days of the dark room, but his stylistic growth is very digital. He spent most of his life struggling to confine his artistic nature, so he achieved a PhD in biomedical engineering. It didn’t work, nothing works, there’s no cure against the urge to create and communicate, he guesses.
DO NOT MISS the 6th Edition in Fashion Design & Performance section. 26.05.2018 UPF Pompeu Fabra Barcelona.
By Luca Rossini
PhotoVogue© - By Luca Rossini©
PhotoVogue© - By Luca Rossini©
PhotoVogue© - By Luca Rossini©