Pablo Ruiz Ortiz, a Spanish artist, was born in Santander in 1974. His work develops photography inside a sculpture (a 3D cube). It is a complex work that shows the content and the argument. The artist’s influence directed by the brand of a multinational companies that he works for.
Eun Sun Cho projects revolve around the elements of photographic mediums dealing with physical and technical problems such as measurements, algorithms, analog/digital difference and representation of language of formality accompanied by the process of the image. She investigates the intersection of biology, chemical-physical phenomena and mathematical problems with photographic reality.
INTERVIEW | Jonathan Walland
Jonathan Walland approaches modern architecture in a way that eliminates distraction and pushes forward a sense of clarity, keeping the viewer focused on the purest elements of photography. He shifts the visual characteristics synonymous with painting onto the photographic medium. Walland’s work is consistent with the massive amount of detail present in each photograph.
INTERVIEW | Gudrun Latten
Gudrun Latten discusses aesthetic problems and questions in photographs and videos, including the image and all its qualities, reality and illusion, art-historical genres, pluralism in style, the ambiguity of signs, gender, and identity issues. His videos are figurative art and are about abstraction, digital color, and movement, visualizing abstract content with figures. He admires Surrealism above all, while the tradition of baroque still life is also essential for his pictures.