OPENING EXHIBITION 18.09.2014, 19:00H
Art et Culture art center, 05 Didouche Mourad, Algiers ALGERIA
Al-Tiba9 Algiers 2014
2nd Edition
Open to public from 18.09.2014 to 30.09.2014
Al-Tiba9 Algiers 2014
2nd edition
Art et Culture art center, 05 Didouche Mourad, Algiers ALGERIA
2nd Edition
Open to public from 18.09.2014 to 30.09.2014
2nd edition
The creative imagination gives us a perception of an intermediate world where illusion is sometimes introduced. However, only "the real" unity of contradictions can be.
The principal identity which is, "that what is, is!" but this reality is illusory. We sometimes take our desires for realities. The imaginary and reasoning are not separated; instead they are closely related and actively considerated in life's paradox and contradiction's principal.
Curated by : Mo' Mohamed Benhadj & Mazia Djab
EXHIBITION - 2nd Edition
Art et Culture - Cultural art center and exhibition space.
05 Didouche Mourad, Algiers, Algeria.
METRO Grande Poste L1
BUS Grande Poste - Audin
Art works on view from painting, sculpture, installation,
photographic art, video and performance art.
Albert Coma Bau / Spain
Nariman Ghlamallah / Algeria
Adlane Samet / Algeria
Abdou Cheref / Algeria
Mazia Djab / Algeria
Cristina Otero / Spain
Mohamed Benhadj / Algeria
Alexandra Foffano / Italy
Evolve to die - Alexandra Foffano
God will know his Own - Mo' Mohamed Benhadj