Michail Parlamas | Painting
Michail Parlamas is an Athens-based painter known for his series "Selfiesh," which was crafted between 2020 and 2023. Comprising ten large self-portraits, "Selfiesh" cleverly merges "selfie" and "selfish." Parlamas skilfully explores the intersection of physical and digital realms, where faces distort proportions, becoming analog avatars reflecting societal pressures.
The portraits oscillate between dominating the canvas and allowing glimpses of surrounding space, intricately tied to the artist's memories. Drawing inspiration from older self-portraits on phone book pages and distorted iPad selfies, Parlamas layers disproportionate facial features gathered from the internet. Initially appearing as self-portraits, they evolve into masks reflecting societal expectations for social acceptance.
Devoting himself to asymmetrical patterns, Parlamas aims to expose and normalize diversity and non-conventional beauty. Unhesitant in distorting faces and abandoning classical beauty norms, he unveils details like blemishes and wear, presenting a harmonious yet chaotic complexity. His portraits stand as imperfect perfection, challenging conventional ideals.
Born in 1977, Parlamas graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Thessaloniki in 2000 and pursued postgraduate studies in London, earning a Master's from Central Martins College of Art and Design in 2003 and a Professional Doctorate from the University of East London in 2007. With three solo exhibitions in Athens and London, he's been part of group exhibitions worldwide since 2002, showcasing his commitment to pushing artistic boundaries.
Selfie With Bigger Splash (After David Hockney), Acrylic and Oil on canvas, 190x210cm, 1998-2021 - Michail Parlamas
Tongue in Cheek, Acrylic and Oil on canvas, 190x210cm, 1998-2021 - Michail Parlamas
The Big Slurper, Mixed media on canvas, 190x210cm, 1998 - 2021 - Michail Parlamas
Selfie in bathroom, acrylics and oils on canvas, 190x210cm, 2021 - Michail Parlamas
Selfie With Water Lillies (After Monet), Acrylic and oil on canvas, 190x230cm, 2023 - Michail Parlamas