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While the Storm Arrives - mounir fatmi


While the Storm Arrives - mounir fatmi


This publication was made on the occasion of the exhibition, While the Storm Arrives, by Moroccan artist mounir fatmi, at Ex Baluard Museu d'Art Modern i Contemporani in Palma, from 17th March to 19th June 2022.

© 2022 SF publishing

160 pages Hardcover book

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Fatmi’s work has always been nourished by certain historiographical aspects, questioning how certain contexts have been treated or related with the present. In his work, different times and cultures dialogue, it is at this juncture that new meanings emerge that challenge a time and even a present space. it is like this, too, as with the current proposal, part of a gesture, as concrete as the one carried out by the person who is involved in the action of the machine and, in turn, offers memory and reflection. The memory is framed by the image, curious that what is visible and recognizable belongs to another time. The reflection reaches us through visuals, an abstract and chaotic language to describe the current. in turn, the three archives have been used by different cultures to describe their time. In this proposal they mix and dialogue, bringing us closer to certain legacies that cause the current chaos.