10 Questions with Jiawei Fu
Al-Tiba9 Art Magazine ISSUE14 | Featured Artist
Jiawei Fu (b. 1998) is an Interior Designer and Painter, born in Guangzhou, China, and now living in Los Angeles, USA. She has received a BFA in Interior Design from Pratt Institute, NY. Jiawei's practice depicts mundanity and emptiness through a surrealized reality. She utilizes the understated diary to wake up subconsciousness and create new conversations between people. Her dedicated palette exposes the sugar-coated modern ignorance and relentlessness in all beings. Yet collision with egg yolk brings back subtle similarities of just being alive. Her work represents a perspective from the invisible introspection, creating a space for the viewer to reflect on their own and address the mutual language that will be shared together to cherish the unique sameness.
It starts as the reflection of the surroundings and ends as the reflection of oneself. The only reaction that the artist needs is the viewer's emotion.
Jiawei Fu - Portrait
She bonded with painting at the beginning of her memories. Along with painting, the word "communication "has never left her life. Her family teaches that "speaking" is not the only way to perform a conversation. It can be done in a gesture, an expression, or even in a long laugh. Jiawei came to the United States alone. Noticing the barriers between different languages and cultures, she starts to search for a better way to convey the mutualism in between through her works.
The foundation of a community lies in communication, yet we often overlook the shared language that connects diverse individuals. As humans, we inherently experience similar emotions towards ordinary aspects of life, but we often disregard them in our pursuit of uniqueness. In doing so, we overlook the profound significance of the unassuming elements, such as the innocent rust, that give us life and render us irreplaceable.
Thirsty Heart © Jiawei Fu
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First of all, introduce yourself to our readers. What is your background, and how did you start getting involved with art?
As a child, I had a deep fascination with stories and the intricate connections between different elements. Even to this day, I find joy in doodling the images and ideas that inhabit my mind onto paper. Every story has a beginning, a rationale, and an ending. However, the challenge lies in effectively conveying and translating these ideas to various individuals. Our uniqueness as humans means that each person has their own thought process and system. Yet, I firmly believe that there is always a way to find common ground.
During my college years, while training to become an interior designer, I discovered the profound importance of communication within a space. Through the manipulation of texture, color, and lighting, similar to the art of painting, I realized that I could expand my career as a painter and designer. I became increasingly focused on delving into the background stories and understanding what individuals were trying to express to the world.
By merging my passion for painting and design, I found a powerful medium for storytelling and creating meaningful experiences. I strive to use texture, color, and lighting as brushes to weave narratives that resonate with people on a deep level. Whether it's through interior design or painting, I am dedicated to expressing the stories and messages that individuals are eager to share with the world.
520 I love you © Jiawei Fu
How would you describe yourself as a person and as an artist?
I perceive myself as a deeply emotional individual, encompassing both a poetic and logical nature in my persona as well as in my artistic expression. Rather than presenting fragmented aspects, I view myself as a unified entity. This perspective enables me to meticulously analyze and comprehend the world around me while also fostering empathy towards the experiences I encounter. Upon hearing poignant tales from those in my surroundings, I am occasionally moved to tears or stirred to anger. I have a genuine inclination to place myself in their shoes, genuinely immersing myself in their lives. Subsequently, I strive to communicate their narratives to the world through my paintings, adopting the role of a serene storyteller.
You mainly work with painting, which you render through surrealist images. Why did you choose this medium? And what does it represent for you?
In our contemporary existence, we often lead lives characterized by a literal mindset, resulting in a diminishing imagination and limited space for emotions and errors. People have become increasingly prone to passing judgment on particular matters. In light of this, I have deliberately chosen to paint surreal images, aiming to offer my viewers an expansive realm for interpretation. By creating something less definitive, I provide them with an opportunity to see their own reflections within the artwork.
Every element of my work draws inspiration from a story, yet I firmly believe that each of us shares a common narrative in our lives. It serves as a representation of myself, the protagonist, as well as all individuals within our interconnected world.
Charging © Jiawei Fu
Ten Knot © Jiawei Fu
Can you tell us about the process of creating your work? How do you go from the very first idea to the final outcome?
My daily practice of doodling ordinary scenes remains steadfast. Whenever my friends or people share their life stories with me, I find joy in capturing graphic notes. I attentively observe their facial expressions and gestures, harnessing these elements to forge diverse visual connections. Over time, I amalgamate these elements into a cohesive composition, blending and intertwining them to create a final artwork.
Communication is a key concept in your work, and you often refer to it both as a concept and an aspiration. What would you like to communicate to the viewers with your work?
Rather than focusing on a particular theme, I aspire to convey ordinary stories through my artwork. My intention is twofold: to provide a means of communication, a shared language that connects individuals, and to act as a mirror, reflecting the essence of each person. In today's world, people often hesitate to share their stories as they feel a lack of understanding, compassion, and common ground from others. Instead, they encounter curiosity and a tendency towards gossip. However, deep down, we all experience a wide range of emotions. It is merely a matter of finding the right perspective to comprehend a particular narrative.
Everyone has his own love © Jiawei Fu
Together with communication, you also stress the importance of community as an ideal place where people can share experiences. How much of your past experiences and personal life is reflected in this theme? Do you think living in such a big city like Los Angeles made you appreciate the community more?
At the age of 16, I embarked on a solo journey to the United States. Overwhelmed by the prospect of embracing a completely new culture and society, I initially feared that I wouldn't be able to find my place. However, I swiftly realized that regardless of language or cultural background, the innate desire to connect with others remains universal. People, irrespective of their struggles or moments of joy, yearn to share their experiences with fellow human beings. This fundamental need for connection is why community plays such a vital role in our lives, serving as a space where we can exchange, learn, and find solace, ultimately discovering that we are not alone.
Living in Los Angeles has deepened my appreciation for the concept of community, as it offers an abundance of diverse communities to explore. Whether it be finding a group with shared habits, one that resonates with my cultural background, or even a community that shares similar emotions, each discovery has been enriching. The most inspiring aspect is the realization that art and activities provide avenues for bridging different communities together. It is through these means that connections can be formed, fostering unity and understanding among individuals from various walks of life.
Let's talk about your series Deceitful Lovers, and the colors you used. You seem to use a fixed palette, predominantly of pastel colors. Do these colors have a specific meaning for you? How do you choose them?
Reality can often be dull, which is why we find solace in using vibrant colors as a form of expression. In my artistic endeavors, I deliberately opt for pastel hues to establish a striking contrast between the canvas and the real world. Pastels have the ability to evoke dreamlike scenes and foster a sense of harmony. By avoiding excessive brightness in any particular color, I aim to ensure that all colors hold equal significance within the composition. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for people to associate negative thoughts with dark and moody palettes. My intention is to encourage viewers to embrace a light and positive mindset as they engage with my paintings.
Ugly but pretty secret © Jiawei Fu
It is just the wind © Jiawei Fu
What is the series about, and what would you like the viewers to receive from it?
In this fast-paced era, the term "lie" carries a negative connotation, often associated with deceitful individuals. But what exactly is a lie? And how does it manifest in modern-day love relationships? Perhaps we have been overly inclined to view lies solely as something detrimental, overlooking their potential as a "cure" within the context of love. Lies are not solely directed towards others; we also deceive ourselves. They become a means of justifying our actions, escaping reality, seeking comfort, making compromises, and nurturing the future of a relationship. We are all flawed yet simultaneously right; lies serve as masks veiling the truth that lies beneath.
This series delves into the various types of lies that exist within relationships. Just as there are countless variations of love, there are equally as many types of lies. They permeate our everyday lives, becoming an integral part of our existence. In essence, they are a shared experience among us all. Each person deserves their own truth within this one life, and they also deserve the freedom to express their own lies. Within any lie lies a precious memory, without a doubt. My intention with this series is to provide viewers with an opportunity to engage with their own relationships, accepting the lies that reside within them, whether they be good or bad. Once these lies are "seen," liberation ensues.
One shot one kill © Jiawei Fu
Is there anything else, art-wise, that you would like to experiment with? Any new techniques or mediums you would like to incorporate into your practice?
Yes! I am excited to embark on my upcoming artistic endeavor, as I am keen to explore and experiment with the medium of plaster.
And finally, what are you working on right now? Any exciting projects or exhibitions coming up soon?
I'm currently immersed in preparations for my upcoming series, which coincides with my artist residency program at GlogauAir, GR. The new project is an exciting endeavor that allows me to explore fresh artistic concepts and push the boundaries of my creativity. I am eagerly looking forward to the residency program as it will provide a conducive environment for me to fully immerse myself in my work and collaborate with other talented artists.
Additionally, I have been in discussions for potential exhibitions to showcase my latest creations. While the specific details are still being finalized, I'm thrilled at the prospect of sharing my artwork with a wider audience and engaging in conversations about my artistic vision.
Artist’s Talk
Al-Tiba9 Interviews is a promotional platform for artists to articulate their vision and engage them with our diverse readership through a published art dialogue. The artists are interviewed by Mohamed Benhadj, the founder & curator of Al-Tiba9, to highlight their artistic careers and introduce them to the international contemporary art scene across our vast network of museums, galleries, art professionals, art dealers, collectors, and art lovers across the globe.