INTERVIEW | Vanessa Marshall - HetHeru
10 Questions with Vanessa Marshall - HetHeru
HetHeru RaatMut, aka Vanessa Marshall, is a Kemetic Priestess and Shaman. She is a digital, mixed media, display, and installation artist. HetHeru is also a cultural educator, feminist, human rights, and climate change activist. She owns and operates a clothing retail business called Kultural Adornments. NU World Kulture is her digital and mixed media art collection. Art is her elixir and passion for instigating social change and a higher level of awareness.
HetHeru completed her undergraduate studies in International Relations with minors in Elementary Education and Cultural Anthropology at the State University of New York at New Paltz. In addition, she has taught at both the elementary and junior high school levels. HetHeru taught children's art classes for many years. She developed a cultural arts education program called 'Sakred Children' for youth ages 5 to 17. HetHeru has also taught on the college level and facilitated adult workshops on cultural education for over 20 years. Her mixed media artworks have been exhibited at various art galleries and institutions throughout the USA. HetHeru's upcoming book, "Prehistoric Shamanic Rock Art of the Great Mother GODDESS NEITH" is due to be published in 2023. This "coffee table" pictorial will be an art book that features thirty percent of her own artwork, as well as prehistoric African rock art, megaliths and archeological relics.
As an activist, HetHeru has utilized the airwaves to both organize and heighten awareness. She has hosted radio talk shows on Inner Light Radio for the last 20 years. In addition, HetHeru founded and operates a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) called Blue Ocean Event Project ( which provides weekly scientific data on climate change. In particular, BOEP focuses on providing the community with scientific data on the glacial meltdown and sea level rise unfolding. NU World Kulture 'The Sakred Waters are Coming' crypto art collection offers social tokens for BOEPDAO.
Vanessa Marshall - HetHeru - Portrait
I am a digital and mixed media artist, and I also create crypto art. My artworks are nothing short of spiritual inspiration. It is Shamanic Art. NU World Kulture's collections are digitally birthed and lovingly blanketed in visual harmonies of color and sound.
There are two collections of Nu World Kulture:
SUN GODDESS is a 23-piece digital art and mixed media collection. Here my artwork reveals the possibilities of an 'ancient future'. It is an Afrofuturistic artistic cornucopia whose creations were influenced by the science fiction film series Dune. SUN GODDESS is infused with an evolutionary vision of an ascended universe 20,000 years in the future. In this narrative, the universe is ruled by RA, the Immortal Sovereign Emperor, and his deified daughter & co-regent, SUN GODDESS.
THE SAKRED WATERS ARE COMING is a 27-piece digital art collection that combines prophecy with science. It was created to raise awareness concerning climate change. In particular, it focuses on the glacial meltdown at the north and south poles as well as in the mountainous regions. THE SAKRED WATERS ARE COMING bringing the reality of glacial meltdown and the resulting Sea level RISE front and center. Through the blessings of the ancient Egyptian GODDESS SEKHMET, GODDESS of volcanoes and Cosmic Rays, humanity is informed about the powerful galactic transformation and planetary changes unfolding... THE SAKRED WATERS ARE COMING collection is purposed with the importance of exploring greater levels of sustainability in a changing world.
The artistic style of NU World Kulture is Afrofuturistic, natural and sacred. NU World Kulture's digital art collections were created by utilizing photo animation applications. I also utilized graphics and video editing software. Some of the artworks incorporate AI applications.
First of all, tell us a little more about your background. How did you begin making art?
I began creating digital art 20 years ago, I was drawn to it. My zodiac sign is Gemini, so communications and technology flow naturally for me. My mom is also a visual artist, so I believe it is in my blood. I have been around artists my whole life, so I contracted the creative bug.
Why did you choose this path? And what inspired you to pursue this career?
This path actually chose me. In addition, my shamanic training and the unfolding earth changes led me to create a collection that serves as a vehicle to raise awareness about climate change and its nature.
Can you tell us about the process of creating your work? What aspect of your work do you pay particular attention to?
My digital artworks were created by utilizing photo animation applications. I also used graphics and video editing software. Some of my artworks incorporate AI applications. I focus on color and sound. It is important to me that my artworks are vibrant and that the sound effects are impressive.
Where do you find inspiration for your work?
I find inspiration in nature and natural phenomena, in transcendence, and in humans overcoming adversity. I find inspiration in natural beauty, in the eyes of young children, in the magnificence of sunrise and the amazing energy of the ocean, rivers, and waterfalls, in the power of volcanoes.
Is there a piece you consider a "breakthrough" in your career?
Yes, Orca Submarine volcano is a piece in The Sacred Waters are Coming collection that was my breakthrough. It was a doorway into Antarctica that sparked another level of creativity within me regarding this climate change collection and the incredible earth changes happening there. It recently caused 85,000 earthquakes in Antarctica.
Do you have a role model that you've drawn inspiration from when creating your art?
Yes, my friend Metu. He is one of the most amazing painters of Kemetic Deities I know, and he inspired my Sun Goddess collection.
What are you working on now, and what are your plans for the future? Anything exciting you can tell us about?
Yes, I am creating a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) for my climate change organization called Blue Ocean Event Project. My NFT collection on climate change, The Sacred Waters are Coming will be the social tokens for this DAO.
Have you ever thought about turning to NFTs? What are your thoughts on this subject?
NU World Kulture is a digital art collection that has also been minted on the blockchain as NFTs.
What do you hope to accomplish this year, both in terms of career goals and personal life?
I wish to raise awareness about climate change. In particular, the glacial meltdown, sea level rise, the increase of Atmospheric Rivers, and the immense flooding they bring. I am interested in attracting members, funding, and sustainability initiatives for our DAO (Blue Ocean Event Project, aka BOEPDAO).
Finally, share something you would like the world to know about you?
I am a Kemetic Priestess and Shaman. I am a digital, mixed media, display, and installation artist. I am a cultural educator, feminist, human rights, and climate change activist. I own and operate a clothing retail business called Kultural Adornments. NU World Kulture is my digital and mixed media art collection. Art is my elixir and passion for instigating social change and a higher level of awareness. In addition, I founded and operated a DAO called Blue Ocean Event Project or BOEP. BOEP provides weekly scientific updates on climate change with a focus on the glacial meltdown and sea level rise unfolding.